понеделник, 27 декември 2021 г.

Wayland KDE Slackware NVIDIA

# NVIDIA driver 390.147

# This modules must be loaded!

# modprobe nvidia_drm

# modprobe nvidia_modeset      

# Slack Current - kernel Huge 5.15.11

# Optional:


# fcitx - need for Keyboard

export $(dbus-launch) && fcitx && startplasma-wayland

# in Settings: set for Render - OPENGL 3.1 - this is important

# Wayland still crash but menus and Zoom is OK

# https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/a5d2ly/how_do_you_properly_restart_kwin_and_plasmashell/ - restart Plasmashell and Kwin