събота, 29 ноември 2008 г.

tricks man find

from: http://linux-blog.org/

I wanted a quick way to be able to find out what files weren’t visible to others (and therefore, not visible to website visitors). Messing with arguments and the file command, you can do the following:
find -type f ! -perm -444

This locates all files not visible to ‘others’ in the current directory. You can apply this to directories as well:
find -type d ! -perm -111

This allows you to quickly display the 96th line of filename.php. Hope this helps someone like it has me.

head -n 96 filename.php | tail -n 1

Ever wonder how you can get a man page in into a format you can read
and print? There’s many methods of doing it (copy and paste is one) but
one the easiest I’ve found is:

man command | col -x -b > command.txt

slow laggy GTK under slackware KDE4

Just change fonts from System Config

- Resize speed will be good like under Gnome
- Firefox Auto-Scroll stay laggy
- After some play with resize becom laggy again ???

- If have trouble with outlook gtk Theme
use lxappearance - compile, run, choose Theme Icons and Save
the resul is seen imediatly

gtkperf -a -c 1000

A little update if somebody read this please publish your results!
Test rounds: 100
GtkPerf 0.40 - Starting testing: Sat Feb 7 09:10:59 2009

GtkEntry - time: 0,03
GtkComboBox - time: 3,21
GtkComboBoxEntry - time: 3,21
GtkSpinButton - time: 0,17
GtkProgressBar - time: 0,11
GtkToggleButton - time: 0,32
GtkCheckButton - time: 0,22
GtkRadioButton - time: 0,23
GtkTextView - Add text - time: 0,71
GtkTextView - Scroll - time: 0,79
GtkDrawingArea - Lines - time: 1,53
GtkDrawingArea - Circles - time: 28,29
GtkDrawingArea - Text - time: 10,95
GtkDrawingArea - Pixbufs - time: 0,62
Total time: 50,40

Test rounds: 1000
GtkPerf 0.40 - Starting testing: Sat Feb 7 09:17:01 2009

GtkEntry - time: 0,41
GtkComboBox - time: 31,98
GtkComboBoxEntry - time: 31,41
GtkSpinButton - time: 0,95
GtkProgressBar - time: 0,54
GtkToggleButton - time: 2,94
GtkCheckButton - time: 1,64
GtkRadioButton - time: 2,22
GtkTextView - Add text - time: 40,90
GtkTextView - Scroll - time: 44,78
GtkDrawingArea - Lines - time: 14,31
GtkDrawingArea - Circles - time: 169,86
GtkDrawingArea - Text - time: 105,87
GtkDrawingArea - Pixbufs - time: 4,45
Total time: 452,24

A link for other results: http://gtkperf.sourceforge.net/gtkperftesting_06022005.txt
No good thing for me.